Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Break Hath Cometh...

My parents came for a short weekend visit (from Vermont--it nearly killed both of them I think). They got to be grandparents up close and personal--it made me feel so good to have them here, namely, because it meant that I got to take a little time off. This experience has really made me wish that more of these relative types lived closer--Mirabel, my sister, will be here in June, which will make a huge difference, but still! How do new families manage without grandparents??

So here is a toast to grandparents--we wish you were closer, because we need a break! Hip, hip, horray!

Speaking of breaks, my back is nearly broke. This baby-child of mine has hit the 20 pound mark, making him both adorably healthy and freaking heavy.

In other news, we may be moving to a new place--more room for this child to grow. He is like a goldfish.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't grandparents the best?! I feel your pain with wanting them closer.
