Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Enter the Hero

Lev cut his first tooth--it broke through the gum and he is *much* happier. Its kind of a funny phrase "to cut a tooth", but as I am gathering the mama rhetoric as I go, I've learned not to question.

This milestone, (here is another part of the rhetoric I have picked up) has not occurred alone--he is also taking this time to develop his vocal chords. Really, I think there is something about cutting teeth, screaming from the pain, and then, once the pain has subsided, understanding that "Holy shit! I can scream for fun too!". That's right, Lev sounds like a baby pterodactyl. His tooth is emerging like a bean sprout, and his voice is bursting forth like a cabin-fever crazed banshee.

Its pretty amazing--I love hearing him, and he loves being heard.

1 comment:

  1. ToothCutter=My new metal band!

    Love this blog, btw. Hope you guys are well. A trip to PDX is in the works real soon...
