Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Lovely Lady Lumps

It has been a week and a half of plugged ducts from hell. For those of you who aren't in the know: this means the milk duct is not allowing the milk to flow, resulting in a hard lump that grows increasingly more painful as you try your damnest to get the milk flowing again--this means, pressure, squeezing, massaging and holding it under hot water in hopes of loosening up whatever it is that is keeping it clogged...

This is not a sensual experience, this is not a laughing matter...this is probably the worst part of breast feeding. Every mother has their "thing"--apparently this is mine.

I've talked to a Le Leche League leader, who advised me to rest up and keep drinking water. I talked to a Board Certified Lactation Consultant, who basically didn't really hear me and kept repeating her standard phrases...however, she told me about the use of ultrasound as a way to break up the clog. I'm considering this as a seriously last resort. She also informed me that it can take up to TWO WEEKS for some plugged ducts to heal, so she wasn't too concerned with my measley week and a half. Have I mentioned that I've had FOUR flare ups in that time? Each time, I was so relieved when it ended, only to find myself in a panic as it returned some 24-36 hours later...

Picture this: your breast has a lump in it and you know that if you don't do something about it, there is a chance it will become infected meaning that you'll likely get a fever and be treated with antibiotics. Picture this: you are nursing your baby on that breast hoping that they will help unplug that duct, all the while "massaging" the affected area. Picture this: you're irritable as all hell, dragging yourself around the house in a baggy house-dress (no bras! nothing restricting), grumbing as your baby insists on being bounced/sang to/played with/fed/cooed at/entertained and all you want to do is pull the covers over your head and hide from your own boob. Picture this: you're half-clothed, dipping your boob in a hot-tea-concoction while grating potatoes, which you plan on applying to the affected boob once you're done leaning over a bowl of tea.

Listen, I've done this a thousand times. I've done it more times than the average woman. I've done this so many times that I don't even want to have breasts anymore. I'm done. I'll have them removed, donated, returned! Take them back!

But for the rest of you out there--don't let this dissuade you from breast feeding--I'm just this freak show with a boob lump. I don't know anyone else who has suffered from this like I have. Its just my thing--a thing that I would like to end NOW.


  1. Goodness me - that sounds so painful! I hope the lumps move on and leave you be...
