Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Whew, alright, so thank god things have settled down hormonally since last I posted. Its like night and day. So here is my word to any mamas that may be experiencing this now--Holy crap, it gets better!

In other news, I feel an update is needed as to what I'm actually doing to fill my days right now.

A combination of the following activities:

Hanging with Lev
Promoting Placenta Power
Promoting and slaving away for Lion Heart Kombucha
Promoting and micro-managing myself while working on Hip Mama Zine
and... what else? Being a sluttish house keeper, washing diapers, taking hot baths when at all possible, making stew, striving to go to yoga classes, trying to reason with a toddler and... wishing that I was actually making some cash. Sometimes I do, but not much and never with any regularity. But hey, that's being a stay-at-home-mom-with-many-side-businesses for you.

Its been really lovely networking and connecting with other professional moms. Its pretty much the best thing ever. I mean, if they can do it, I can do it, right? However, the thing on most people's minds right now (mine included) is money, money, money. How to make more of it, how to manage without much of it. I have to say, its getting to be a pretty boring conversation. Somehow I can't lift myself out of this grip of low-to-no income. And it all keeps coming back to the fact that I can't really be a full-time mom and work at the same time. So the lack of cash flow continues...

That is about as much time as I have to update, Lev is demanding more bubbles in the kitchen sink and is likely about to dump an entire pot of water onto the floor.