Monday, September 7, 2009

September is this kind of Month

This is what is going on with me, other then what is going on with Lev in relation to me:

Did I mention that I started helping out on this amazing parenting zine called HipMama? Well guess what!! I am now the staff illustrator of this seasonal publication. The fall issue is about to come out. Its also the first issue that I've drawn for, in addition to doing some editing work as well. This has really been an amazing experience and opportunity for me to build my portfolio, learn the tricks and trades of smallish-time-DIY publication and to hang with some hip-ass mamatchkas. I like it, I like it. If you have a chance to pick up a copy, or to even go as far as subscribing, you could see my little drawings hither and thither within. I'm doing a comic for each zine, located on the inside of the cover as well as illustrating for the articles where needed.

Super cool.

Check out this place for a better look...HipMama!

Goodness, gracious. In addition to these goings on, there are other goings on as well. Think big! Think bigger! Think... muffins? Alright, its really nothing more than a temporary obsession with almond meal--the wheat-free enthusiasts new dream of culinary possibilities. I have this idea of making delicious coffee with hot baked-goods with butter. Somehow, this vision also includes an open window, a stretch of green, lush landscape with livestock braying in the nearby barn. Yes, my barn to be exact. I've been having more ideas about chickens and making my dream of living off the land come true...while still keeping a Portland zipcode and being close by to Jared's job. Alright, so its not going to happen this year, or even the next...but a gal can dream. And if almond-meal muffins can bring me even an iota closer to that dream, so be it!

Meanwhile, our kombucha business continues. We have big plans for the fall--more advertising, bigger classes and more buyers. If you're a friend of ours, you live nearby, and you drink kombucha, there is no reason to continue buying it in the store. I know you're out there, kombucha friends! Do yourselves a favor and buy it cheaper from us! I won't beg, but I will stop saying Oh, Its okay...when you make apologetic faces at us with your bottle of GT's in hand.

In conflusion, Lev is playing with big kids, little kids and with our toes. He is pulling chairs over and on top of himself. He will stand upright unassisted for up to a full minute. And... everything else you'll have to see for yourselves. I've been meaning to post more pictures here and I swear I'll make a better habit of it in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I have been a fan of Hip Mama for a long time... you are definitely qualified as a Hip Mama! Love you girl!
